PLACE OF ORIGIN : Iran,Afghanistan.
CUISINE : Iranian,persian
OTHER: Ash,Aaash
The Sultan of Nizam who was originally an Iranian,when mixed his taste with Telanagan culture, It led to the emergence of a new cuisine -- HYDERABADI CUISINE.
The word "cook" translates to "Aushpaz" in Persian. The word is a combination of two Persian words of "aush" and "paz" and literally means "a person who cooks aush". Also the word "kitchen" translates to "Aushpazkhaneh": the combination of words "Aushpaz" and "Khaneh" which means house.
AASH also known as Lamb soup is a Medieval Iranian recipe which is tampered with garlic and black cardamom for 7 times.
The reason behind tempering it these many times was to reduce the bitterness of the dish and also to keep the essence of herbs enriched till it is served.The aash can alsdo be made with lentils,vegetables, fruits, rice etc.This is fondly served during RAMZAN to fulfill the requirement of nutrition by the body after fasting for the whole day.
It is said that the preparation of this dish takes upto 3-4 hrs in which every 30 mins the Khansaman has to season the dish . One can easily realise why dish is a lost recipe now.
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